In 1979, Steven Schussler created Jukebox Saturday Night, a nostalgic nightclub concept with several locations nationwide that went far beyond the predictability of most bars and discos. Jukebox Saturday Night recreated a total atmosphere reminiscent of the 50’s and 60’s, featuring a combination of colorful vintage jukeboxes, authentic memorabilia, antique arcade games and nostalgic rock and roll music, capturing the mood and magic of the 50’s and 60’s.
Entertainment-oriented, Jukebox Saturday Night stands for apple pie, ice cream, Superman, Howdy Dowdy, Mickey Mouse and Mom and Dad.
Billed by Newsweek magazine as the “ultimate nostalgia nightclub,” Jukebox Saturday Night combined the Golden Age of rock ‘n roll music (1955 – 1967) with the ambiance of a bygone era: twist, hula hoop and jitterbug dance contests, a ’57 Chevy protruding from the front of the building, antique jukeboxes, tootsie roll wallpaper in the bathrooms and pictures of beach party darlings, Annette Funicello and Frankie Avalon.